Years on the market
APPORT Logistyka Sp. z o.o.
Office address: Ostrów Kania 25D
05-311 Dębe Wielkie


About company

In 1995, two students decided to establish and jointly run a company dealing with international freight forwarding.

The first steps were very difficult and were full of funny situations. At the very beginning, the company had no permanent office and the owners were getting familiar with the secrets and problems of international transport. After a year in the business, the partners decided to buy their own truck. They chose a worn-out western vehicle of the Scania brand along with a semitrailer. And so Andrzej Grodzki and Czarek Oliszewski set out to conquer Europe and the history of the APPORT Company began...

Find out more
with semitrailers

The first year of the activity of the company was based solely and exclusively on international forwarding.

After a certain time, the partners decided to create their own fleet of trucks. The number of customers was continuously increasing and thus a certain stability and a possibility to plan the development of the APPORT Company appeared. Over a few years, the company has consolidated its position in the international transport market and now it has 115 road tractors with semitrailers of the MEGA type, which are fully adapted to international transport. All of our vehicles are equipped with a built-in GPS positioning system.

What we do?
  • Transport

    We can provide prompt, timely and professional execution of accepted transport orders. Transport is performed according to the requirements of the CMR convention and instructions of customers.

  • Spedition

    We are forwarding a national and international spedition. We provide our services at the highest level.


    We provide services throughout Europe with special emphasis on the following countries...

international transport annually

IN 2020

the company intends to replace the last of their vehicles with ecology standard EURO 5 so in the second half of the year we would have all vehicles complying with the EURO 6. Due to moving to new business premise, the company diversifies its activity with the professional truck service.


If you have questions
Feel free to contact us

Apport Logistyka Sp. z o.o.
Office address: Ostrów Kania 25D
05-311 Dębe Wielkie

tel. +48 (22) 380 55 80 do 89
fax: +48 (22) 380 55 90 +48 (22) 489 60 40

e-mail: [email protected]


Inquiry Form

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